Taking care of our planet and resources is one of our top priorities at Alliant Coffee Solutions. We are proud to partner with several organizations that promote these ideas, including Fair Trade USA, and Rainforest Alliance. Our award-winning roasting plant is powered by 100% green, carbon free energy harvested from natural and renewable sources.
We have also made great strides in introducing recyclable and compostable materials into our products and packaging, and continue to look for ways to improve our practices and use of sustainable materials. Check out our video below showing the Life of a Soft Coffee Pod.

For a coffee to be certified organic, it must be grown in a manner that excludes the use of fertilizers, pesticides, hormone treatments and steroids. Organic farmers instead must rely on superior growing practices, natural fertilizers and alternative methods of pest and disease control.

Our Fair Trade certified roasts support economic stability for farmers in producing countries and environmentally responsible farming techniques. We’re proud to work with Fair Trade USA as they explore new ways to expand the impact that Fair Trade has on the lives of coffee farmers.

Rainforest Alliance is an international non-profit organization that works to conserve biodiversity and promote the rights and wellbeing of workers, their families, communities, and environments.

Our award-winning roasting plant is powered by 100% green, carbon free energy harvested from natural and renewable sources, such as wind.